Author in Chief: The…

Author in Chief: The Untold Story of Our Presidents and the Books They Wrote by Craig Fehrman

Author in Chief: The Untold Story of Our Presidents and the Books They Wrote is a book written by Craig Ferhman about the stories and books of American presidents. Based on various research and reports, the Author in Chief offers an amusing point of view into the public and private lives of America’s highest leaders. It can also be considered as an account of literary achievements as well as the failure of different American presidents. There are lots of works that were already published about the presidents; however, Ferhman found a new topic that can be covered. Ferhman focused on the books that the presidents wrote. These presidential books have made a significant impact on American histories, such as projecting their authors to the national stage and even turning crucial elections.

Recommendation: Adult books



In Craig Fehrman’s groundbreaking work of history, Author in Chief, the story of America’s presidents and their books opens a rich new window into presidential biography. From volumes lost to history–Calvin Coolidge’s Autobiography to Barack Obama’s Dreams from My Father, which was nearly never published.